It’s Just A Little Concussion
As a newly certified vision therapist, I have enjoyed using the new techniques that I recently learned at the College of Optometrists Vision Development (COVD) national conference. At the national conference, I met vision therapists and optometrists from all over the world; Michigan, California, Ohio, Florida, The Philippines, Canada and many more places.
One of the most interesting topics discussed at the conference was post-concussion vision therapy. Dr. Master, of Michigan, gave an incredible lecture on the VT treatment of post-concussion patients. One of the most important lessons that I learned is: a concussion is a shaking of the brain, NOT an impact of the head. Concussions can occur from any number of things, such as, falling on your back or bottom, whiplash from a car accident, or an aggressive impact to the torso such as a tackle.
Many people think that a concussion is not a big deal (after all, its just a little concussion), especially if there is no loss of consciousness. But a concussion is a big deal. It is classified as a TBI, Traumatic Brian Injury. There is no such thing as a little Traumatic Brain Injury!
If you suspect that you or someone you know has had a concussion, contact us to discuss post-concussion vision therapy!
-Lauren Banks, COVT